
Questions Provided by Solaiman Bin Ali(Lecturer, DoWPE, BUTEX)

N.B: Each Question Contains 1 Mark

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1. Which option doesn’t suit the “chain polymerization”?

Self addition of monomer
No byproduct is formed
Bi-functionality is provided by the double bonds
Partial chain reaction

2. Which isn’t the example of initiator for “free-radical polymerization”?

Azo coumpound
Vinyl sulphone

3. What is the “Ziegler-Natta catalyst”?

Electrolytic agent
Inorganic based catalyst
Organo-metallic compound
Ion based organic compound

4. Which statement isn’t true for “Poly-condensation polymerization”?

Only 2 types of reaction between two functional groups
Monomer having 2 reactive functional groups
Step-wise reaction involved
Polymer is still active

5. What isn’t true about “Bulk polymerization’?

The probability of chain collision is less
Tendency of explosion
Less soluble initiator is required
Termination becomes difficult

6. What is the dis-advantages of “Solution polymerization”?

Uncontrolled heat transfer
Improper viscosity control
Difficult to achieve homogenous polymer
Difficult to get high molecular weight products

7. Which polymerization is known as “independent bulk polymerization nucleus”?


8. Which factor doesn’t influence the crystalline of polymer?

Bulky group
Configuration of polymer
Stabilization of polymer

9. What is the function of “Surfactant” in emulsion polymerization?

Reducing kinetic energy of monomer
Facilitates emulsification
Improving surface tension
Suspension of unutilized monomer

10. Why does Tg is low for lower molecular weight polymer?

Lower intra-bonding of chains
Higher ends presence
Less viscosity
Less mechanical strength

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